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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/08/09
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Stephen Schacht in the Little Town Hall at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Steven Schacht, Gordon Webber, and Michael Genest

Staff Present:  Neal Cass (Town Administrator)

Media Present:  Josh Bond-Monadnock Ledger Transcript, Michael Pon-The Villager.

1.  Public Hearing concerning the use of the Bridge Maintenance CRF for No. Main St.
        Attending:  Diane Chauncey, Ben Pratt, and Carter Proctor.
The Town Administrator explained that when the Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) was established, the Town Meeting gave the Board of Selectmen the authority to withdraw from the fund for emergency repairs to bridges provided that they hold a public hearing.  The Board intends to withdraw the Town’s 20% of the cost of the North Main Street Bridge from the Bridge Maintenance CRF because the bridge was ready to fall in and had to be replaced.  The CRF has sufficient funds to cover the cost.  The Town Administrator noted that because the Town will be receiving ARRA funds for the North Branch Bridge, CRF monies will not be needed so the Town will save about $200,000.  It was noted that the North Main Street project should be done by the end of the month.  Those assembled supported withdrawing the funds from the CRF.

2.  Acceptance of the minutes of previous Board of Selectmen meeting.
VOTE:    Selectman Webber moved that the minutes of the May 18, 2009 Board
                of Selectmen meeting be accepted as printed.  Selectman Genest
                seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman
                Schacht called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the
                Chairman declared the motion carried.

VOTE:    Selectman Webber moved that the minutes of the May 18, 2009 Board of Selectmen Non-public Session be accepted as printed.  Selectman Genest seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

3.  Opening of bids for the 1974 International 4x4 Truck.
        The following bids were received:
                Clark Craig Jr.         $  787.50
                Frank Cochran           $  827.50
                Crotched Mountain       $1,019.51

VOTE:    Selectman Genest moved that the Board of Selectmen accept the bid of
            $1,019.51 from Crotched Mountain for the 1974 International 4x4
            truck. Selectman Webber seconded the motion.  There being no further
            discussion, Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members voted in
            favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

4.  Review of on-going capital projects:
        North Main Street – done by the end of the month.

North Branch Bridge – a plan has been developed for the re-routing of utilities.  To make this process easier the crane will use River Road and be set up on that side of the bridge.  The old abutments will be removed.

Safe Routes to School – There was discussion of adding a sidewalk to Jameson Avenue instead of Highland Avenue.  The consensus was that the sidewalk should go the entire length of Highland Avenue and that the project should be done when the water main on that street is replaced.  
Phase II Sidewalk – This project is presently moving forward, but there seems to be concern over placement of the sidewalk on the east side of the street and placing it over the water main.

Raising Well Road – FEMA funds have been received to raise the road to the town well to keep it from flooding.  A plan will be discussed with the Water & Sewer Department.

5.  Potential appointment to the ZBA
Selectmen reviewed the request of Molly Moore Lazar to be an alternate on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  Because of the potential conflict of interest the Board chose not to appoint Ms. Lazar, but would be happy to have her involved on a Board where there is not a conflict.

6.  Member Updates
Chairman Schacht stated that the Planning Board is working on the Master plan.  The Town Administrator reminded the Selectmen that they needed to return their comments on the Master Plan to Town Planner Peter Moore.

Selectman Genest encouraged all to go see the windmills in Lempster.

Both Selectman Genest and Webber said that there was a good presentation on lighting at the Regional Select Board meeting.

Chairman Schacht is working with the Basantis to solve the drainage issue.

7.  Town Administrator updates
·       The auditor was here last week and all went well.
·       The last day and retirement party for Fran Greene will take place tomorrow.  Nancy Torres begins as the Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper on June15.
·       The West Street crosswalk signs are up.
·       Selectmen agreed to hold a public hearing to adopt the new flood maps on June 29.
·       There will be a meeting on the Tri-Town pit on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. in Bennington.

8. Non-public Session – RSA 91-A:3 II (e) Legal
           VOTE:  Selectman Webber moved that the Board of Selectmen enter into Non-Public session under the provision of RSA 91-A:3 II (e).  Selectman Genest seconded the motion.  Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  Selectman Webber, Schacht and Genest voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried (3-0).

          The Board entered Non-Public Session at 6:21 p.m. returning to open session at 6:38 p.m.

           VOTE:  Selectman Genest moved that the minutes of the just concluded Non-Public Session be sealed.  Selectman Webber seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members present voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

There being no further business, the Board decided by consensus to adjourn at 6:40 p.m.   The next regular meeting will be Monday, June 29, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

Recorder:  Neal A. Cass
Date:  June 11, 2009